Livox is an alternative and augmentative communication software.
Its very hard for a person with disability to succeed in a school. Especially when they cant speak! Imagine how hard is for a teacher to evaluate a student that cant speak or a student that cant hold a pencil and a paper due to his/her disability? How can teachers evaluate if they are really learning?
Livox was born to enable people with disabilities to speak. However due to its simplicity combined with its powerful possibilities and algorithms, it helps people with disabilities to speak, to learn how to read, to learn how to write and complex concepts like Math, for example.
They dont use a tablet like we do. Livox is an option that respects the way people with disabilities use a tablet and it helps them to overcome their limitations.
We provide solutions so people with disabilities can use Livox in their own way, instead of forcing them to use a tablet like we do.
Just in Brazil 15 million people with disabilities need an alternative communication solution.